Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What does it mean to qualify for the ‘good driver’ discount in California?

What does it mean to qualify for the ‘good driver’ discount in California?

To some, being a good driver means you follow the speed limit and that you haven’t had any real bad accidents.  To the insurance company, the statement or discount for ‘good driver’ means more. 

Did you know in California you don’t even qualify for the good driver discount until you have three years licensing experience?  For example, if you are 18 and got your license at age 16, you don’t qualify.  The same goes if you are 30 and just got your license last week, you don’t qualify either.  The discount is not dependent on age, just licensing experience and that discount will not show up on your policy until that three years is met. 

Now that we understand how to qualify for the good driver discount let’s discuss how a driver can lose it.  Let’s say you are driving one day and you get pulled over.  The officer hands you a speeding ticket.  Do you lose that discount?  No.  One ticket, which equals one point on your record, won’t do you in.  It’s the second one you receive that will do it.  One ticket = one point on your record.  Two tickets or the combination of a ticket and an at fault accident will result in two points on your record, which means you lose the good driver discount.

Also, if the at fault accident results in your insurance company paying out bodily injury to the other party, then that counts as a two point occurrence.  

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